Reservations 2000

+44(0)20 8547 0601

Privacy Policy

Reservations 2000 Limited and Reservations 2000 Conferences Limited
Unit 11 Castle Business Village
Station Road
TW12 2BX

We are Reservations2000, a specialist Hotel and Conference booking agency offering a FREE service since 1991. For 25 years we have worked with a variety of customers from many different industries, using our knowledge and expertise to provide a flexible, reliable service. Our clients include Retail Businesses, Manufacturers, Global Corporations and Pharmaceutical Companies.
We are founder members and active participants in the Hotel Booking Agency Association (HBAA) and Member of the ICO.

Our company details are as follows:

Reservations 2000 Ltd company registration number 2661801, VAT registered number 608 842820.
Reservations 2000 Conferences Ltd company registration number 3006141 , VAT registered number 652780718.

Our Commitment

Reservations 2000 Ltd and Reservations 2000 Conferences Ltd are committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. We have reviewed and recognised our obligations under the GDPR and have put in place further processes to meet the demands of the GDPR.

Reservations 2000 Ltd and Reservations 2000 Conferences Ltd are dedicated to safeguarding the personal information under our remit and in developing a data protection regime that is effective, fit for purpose and demonstrates an understanding of, and appreciation for the new Regulation.

Our Promise

We promise to keep your data safe and private
Not to sell your data
To ensure that we have consent from yourselves to provide marketing information

The Law

Your privacy is now protected by the law as well as ourselves. We can only use and store personal information if we have a specific reason to do so. This includes any third parties we may use.
What information do we collect about you and why?

We collect the following information:

Account Information: This is the information required to create an account on our system and allow us to identify you and provide the contracted service. It will include your name, address and contact information. For online accounts an email address is required but for other types of account it may be a telephone number or something else. We will use your contact information to provide confirmations and information on bookings you make through our service. In some cases we may ask for your consent to use your contact information to provide information on special offers, surveys, updates to our terms and conditions, service status information or event specific information.

Profile Information: In addition to account information we may also hold various profile information for instance your dietary needs, access requirements, loyalty cards or preferred hotel room type. This information is optional but not providing it may affect the quality of the service we provide.

Booking History: We keep a record of venues and events you have previously booked both to improve the quality of the service we provide to you and for our own financial reasons to manage our relationship with venues.

Financial Information: In most cases we will also need to hold your credit card details. These are used to guarantee accommodation and pay deposits or pre-payments. Generally you can choose an alternative payment method on arrival but a guarantee method is required when booking.

Cookies: Cookies are used only to manage your login session when you connect to our online booking tool. We do not use cookies for profiling or marketing purposes.

Server Logs: In order to meet our technical needs of managing the online booking service we log all accesses to our servers, the IP address they originated from, the web browser used and the time that the access occurred.

What Information We Collect Our Reason
Your personal name and personal address & email address. Fulfilling a contract and consent – to make a booking we require this information to supply to the venue. We also have a legal obligation for business accounting and tax purposes.
Your personal payment information. Fulfilling a contract and consent – there may be a requirement to prepay for a venue. We also have a legal obligation for business accounting and tax purposes
Your Name and company address information including email. The company payment information if required. Fulfilling a contract and consent – to make a booking we require this information to supply to the venue. We also have a legal obligation for business accounting and tax purposes. A credit check may also be undertaken dependant on the contract in place.


Sharing Information:

Your personal information is shared only as is required to provide the booking service you request. If you make a booking through our service we will pass on your name and contact details to any venue or event that you book as well as financial information required by the venue to guarantee the booking. If you have provided details of personal preferences we may pass this on to the venue where appropriate (for instance to ensure that a vegan meal is available at an event).

In some cases bookings are made through a 3rd party system managed by Travelport ( and in these cases we may also share your details with that service.

We also manage your booking through a booking tool provided by SJJB Management ( As part of our day to day operations we may share your details with them for the purposes of software support and to facilitate their technical needs in managing the booking tool.

The data will only be shared with:
1. The venue whom the booking is taking place, for example the hotel or venue.

2. SJJB (SJJB management, Sunnydene, Manchester Road, Sway, Hampshire, SO41 6AS – SJJB or “TAMS” is provided to Agencies under licence through SJJB Management. They act as a processor on our behalf. “TAMS” is the complete database for any size Hotel Booking Agency, Travel

Management Company or Venue Finding Agency providing facilities to propose, make, and manage Accommodation or Conference Bookings. For more information about SJJB please contact them at

3. KS Goring Accountants – 222 Upper Richmond Road W, London, SW14 8AH.
We use KS Goring accountants to do our annual returns and they act in the capacity of a processor on our behalf. For more information about KS Goring Ltd, please contact them directly.

4. Third party team builders and organisers relevant to your booking and only with your consent on the contract.

Information Security & Technical and Organisational Measures

As required by UK and European data protection laws we take all reasonable precautions to secure your data and restrict access to those staff with a need to access it. We encrypt your data both in transit and, for sensitive information, on our servers as well as maintaining physical security. Reservations 2000 takes the privacy and security of individuals and their personal information very seriously and take every reasonable measure and precaution to protect and secure the personal data that we process. We have robust information security policies and procedures in place to protect personal information from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction and have several layers of security measures

Data Subject Rights

  • You have the right to review the data we keep about you. You may view your information through the online booking tool or contact us for more information.
  • You have the right to correct any mistakes, please contact us if you feel we are holding incorrect data about you.
  • You have the right to request we delete your data – although there are some restrictions, for example we are unable to delete your profile.
  • If you do wish to access the data we hold about you, please contact us at

Consequences of Not Providing Your Data

If you do not provide the required data, your booking/contract we will not be able to act on your behalf to make the booking with the venue.

How Long We Keep Your Data

In general we hold account, profile, booking history and financial information for 7 years from the date of your last booking. In some cases (such as where there is a financial dispute with the venue) we may hold your details until the situation is resolved.

Cookies are preserved for the length of your login session. These are deleted either when you log out or when you close your web browser.

Server logs: We keep detailed server logs for around 6 months. Anonymised information (with IP addresses, account details and other.)


We will contact you to ensure you are happy to still receive information that may be of interest to you. You can contact us as any time if you wish to stop receiving marketing messages.

Lodging a Complaint

Any complaints that you may have should be put in writing and email to You will be contacted within 48 hours to discuss and acknowledge your complaint. Please allow us up to 8 weeks to fully resolve your complaint.